Good afternoon,
I made a power supply with TPS40345 using webench designer.
The features are:
Vin = 3,3V;
Vout = 0,85V;
Iout = 12A.
I assembled the firsts ten machine and two of these have the power supply that doesn't work.
I have regenerated (with the same features) the project with webench designer and I have noted that there is a difference between my old project and the current project: the overcurrent resistor is bigger in the new project.. Why?
So I have calculated this resistor using the formula in the datasheet (page 11), but I don't understand which values I must to use..
With: Iocset = 9,5uA, Voclos = -8mV, Ip-p = 3,8A, RDSon = 2,6mohm, Iout = 12A, the ROCSET calculated is 1803,15ohm, while the tool give me a Resistance of 4600ohm.. In order to reach this value I must to increment the output current?
The peak-to-peak current on inductance doesn't change?
How can I correctly calculating ROCSET based on my capacitive load?
Thanks in advance,