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TPS61045: TPS61045

Part Number: TPS61045


We are interested using TI part TPS61045 for LED backlight driver – 4 white LEDs and a series resistor, and we want constant current through these LEDs for between 15 – 20 mA.

Do you know if the TPS61045 can provide constant current mode for this application?

We have two applications and we want to use one driver TPS61045. The other application is for OLED supply voltage of 13V. Spec for TPS61045 mentions about OLED application, but not backlight application.


  • Hi Michael,

    Thank  you for considering the TPS61045.  Our experts supporting this part are currently on holidays, and they will be back next week.  So, please wait until Oct 8th to get their advice. 

    I took a look of the TPS61045 datasheet and it seems able to support your application.  If you put the feedback resistor in series with the LED, and the circuit will regulate the voltage at the feedback resistor, equivalently regulate the LED current.  

    Best Regards,

    Youhao Xi, Applications Engineering

  • dear sir,

    you can refer to the TI design PMP15037 for a reference. it use FB low side resistor as the current sense resistor.