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WEBENCH® Tools/TPS5410: TPS5410 Average model issue related to CCM and DCM

Part Number: TPS5410

Tool/software: WEBENCH® Design Tools


I have downloaded TPS5410 un-encrypted average model from TI website & ran the un-encrypted model in OrCad PSpice 16.6. 
Does this model work in CCM only or it auto-toggles between CCM & DCM.

Look like model works only in CCM. Please clarify.I have attached waveforms related for your reference.

1.Vin=12v Vout=5v Rload=5ohm Fsw=500KHz  waveform 1

2.Vin=12v Vout=5v Rload=50ohm Fsw=500KHz  waveform 2


Satish Karne