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LM5008AEVAL: why the input voltage can't exceed 75V?

Part Number: LM5008AEVAL


in the EVM, we emphasize not to exceed 75V for input voltage, but I can't find what limit the voltage level?

My customer would like to test with input voltage from 10V to 85V.

  • Hi,

    The current limit function limits the maximum input voltage, you can find a detailed info on 7.3.6 of its datasheet. If you want to apply a higher Vin, at least you should change R2 to a higher value or lower frequency by changing R1.

  • Iven,

    I've calculated the on time and off time by the procedure below:

    in datasheet 7.3.5 equation 4.

    when input voltage =90V,


    Since output=5V, duty cycle D=5/90. When operating in a steady state, the off time Toff= 0.43/D-0.43=7.31us.

    Toff determined by the current limit is determined by 7.3.6 equation (5).

    Toff(current limit)= 11.97us. which is longer than Toff above.

    So I should be okay to operate with input voltage =90V with the original parameters, right?

  • Hi,

    Please check the section 6 on the EVM users' guide, there are some tolerance and detection time consideration when designing the EVM. Thanks.