We have developed a Power supply using the TLV62568 and are facing some challenges. The board is being using a run a device whose Power Consumption is mentioned here. The two circled functions are the only two functions we use:
The schematic that we have developed using the TLV62568 is here:
The challenge we are facing is when we use the board to power it up from a laptop some laptops are working fine:
HP 15 Notebook
Apple's Macbook Pro 13" and 15" (2018 version)
The board is kept continuously ON for over 8 hours and no component heat up or there are no other challenges.
However, when we use the following laptops:
Lenovo T480 or the Lenovo T490 and the Dell Inspiron the components connected between the USB power and the Wi-Fi module start to heat up. The components connected between the Wi-Fi module and the USB power are 74HC4052 and CP2102N.
There is also another power supply we have tried to use and that Power supply is based on the AM1117.
Non of the laptops pose a challenge when this is the Power supply being used and the board functions just fine.
Can you advice on what might be the challenge?