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LP3961: LP3961EMP-2.5/NOPB error pin

Part Number: LP3961

Hello team,

My customer has a question about error pin.
They do not use error pin because this function is not needed.  In this case,  "Connect the ERROR pin to ground if this function is not used." in the LP3961 datasheet.
If the pin is not connected to GND and is set to floating, what kind of abnormal behavior is likely to occur with the LP3961?

Your advice would be so apprciated.

Best Regards,
Akihisa Tamazaki

  • Hello Akihisa,

    The error pin is pulled low when the output voltage is outside of regulation, and it is high impedance when the output voltage is in regulation.
    Pulling this high or low ties the pin to a known voltage with relatively low impedance (power or ground planes).  If the pin is left floating, then static charge or random noise can possibly cause the pin to float to a value above or below the abs max in the datasheet, which can possibly damage the part.  This risk is low however, but that is all I can think would be an issue with leaving this pin floating.


    - Stephen