I have made a full bridge using 2 of the mentioned CSD95379Q3MT part. The plan is to connect to ground at one side. Use PWM on the other side to generate a sine wave. Then reverse for alternating voltage.
This appeared to be possible according to datashet by using FCCM. As in setting pint 1 (SKIP#) to HIGH, and PWM to low. However using a fluke ohmmeter (+ at VSW and - at PGND), I never get anything but an OL reading doing this. With SKIP# to LOW and PWM to high I can easily verify the FET turns on using fluke (+ at VIN and - at VSW). VIN is not powered while testing. Only setting VDD at 5V.
This test is done using a custom protoype board. (Actual PWM also appears to fail, so went back for slow DC readings).
Did I misinterpret the datasheet?
See below used schematics for one of the half bridges:
PhaseAPWM and PhaseASwitchMode are directly connected to MCU outputs ranging from 0 and 3.3V.