Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ78350, BQ76952, BQ76942, BQ76200, BQ34Z100, BQ76930, BQ34Z100-G1, BQ76940, TIDA-010030
Good morning,
I already used the BQ78350 for several designs and, once again, I'm facing with the same needs. When the application uses an high current for charging the battery pack, the (passive) balancing circuit is not effective in properly balancing cells, especially for old cells, i.e. when their characteristics degraded and differences arises.
The situation could improve a lot if the balancing management could work also during the rest condition and not only during charging. I already asked about this feature and some TI people answered to point it out as a suggestion for future improvements. Unfortunately in last two revisions (R1A and R2) such a suggestion has not been taken into account. I've found other posts with the same request and, to be honest, I don't see any important reason for not implementing such a feature. It could be interesting to add a configuration flag for enabling "balancing at rest" or not, so any user (designer) can carefully evaluate tu use or don't it.
In the user manual I've found a not clear flag related to balancing and rest. It is the flag "SAFE_EN" in the Manufacturing Status Configuration register. In fact the few words related to such a flag are: "Voltage imbalance At Rest". What does it mean? What is the purpose of such a flag? Is that related (or usable) for my need?
I hope my suggestion (but I repeat the same request comes also from other users) will be considered soon for a new release of BQ78350, in order to extend the application field of such a component.
Thank you very much for any consideration and answer
Best regards