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BQ2004: NiMH charger

Part Number: BQ2004


To best of my knowledge switch-activated discharge-before charge allows bq2004-based chargers to support battery conditioning and capacity determination. However, I can't see in the datasheet how discharge voltage threshold can be programmable. And same with capacity determination, how does it get calculated, recorded, and able to be read by the user. Can you please help?


  • Hi Vadym,

       VEDV = 0.4 ∗ VCC ± 30mV. The DCMD input is used to command discharge-before charge via the DIS output. Once activated, DIS becomes active (high) until VCELL falls below VEDV, at which time DIS goes low and a new fast charge cycle begins. The DCMD input is internally pulled up to VCC (its inactive state). Leaving the input unconnected, therefore, results in disabling discharge-before-charge. A negative going pulse on DCMD initiates discharge-before-charge at any time regardless of the current state of the bq2004. If DCMD is tied to VSS, discharge-before charge will be the first step in all newly started charge cycles.

    This is the inbuilt value and cannot be configured. If VCELL<VEDV fast charge is inhibited.