Customer conducting derating analysis for long term reliability, based on maximum ratings. Device is LM185BWG/883.
1. On datasheet, page one states that it can provide an output up to 5.3V. However, it is not stated anywhere in the “Absolute Maximum Ratings” section.
2. Please clarify what is the maximum voltage than an LM185 can provide, i.e. the total of the R1/R2 resistive divider in standard voltage reference configuration, before it risks performance degradation or damage?
3. We are in some instances using it to provide 5.0 output. Are there any concerns for long term accuracy, stability or failure at this condition?
4. A terminology question relating to derating standard ECSS-Q-ST-30-11C: is it correct to describe the LM185QML as a “(shunt) voltage regulator”?