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UCC28600: slvc104j calculator VS UCC28600 design procedure

Part Number: UCC28600
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC28610

There is a design procedure for flyback converter in the datasheet of UCC28600.

In this datasheet, there is also have a link to UCC2866 design calculator, named SLVC140j.

May you show me:

1. where is Lookuptables in SLVC140j(see firure1 below)

2. How to set a variable name for a cell of excel fie

In figure 2, C11 is named Rload, which is equal to Vout^2/Pout, Pout is the name of C10..

Figure 2

3. I think the equation used in slvc104j  is different to that of UCC28600. WHy?

For example, max Lpri is different.

This is equation used in slvc104j

This is equation used in UCC28600.

4. How to unlock SLVC140j? What is the password ?

5. In SLVC140j, there is a link to SLUC113 RevD. Where is it? Only I can get is SLUC113G..

  • Hello lin,

    I am looping in an application engineer to support this post. You will receive the feedback before this Friday.

  • Hi Wen-Gou,

    Thanks for your interesting in TI's part.

    The excel calculator can't be unlocked and edited . you can only enter design data in the cells of Blue color . and get the calculated values in the cells of Red color.

    The equation used in SLVC140j to calculate max. Lm is different with presented in datasheet. if you look at C83, this cell equal to tON/sqrt(L)  , tON stand for Mosfet turn on time , tLEAKAGE stand for leakage inductance reset time . tOFF stand for demagnetizing time ,and tVALLEY stand for resonance time . tON+tLEAKAGE+tOFF+tVALLEY equal to whole period . look back to C88 Tvmin-maxload equal to whole period . Lm actually is got by calculate  tON+tLEAKAGE+tOFF+tVALLEY.

    while 0.9 is consider the tolerance of transformer in manufacture . there is a saying : All roads lead to Rome . different calculation methods will not lead to a much different result.

    SLUC113 is a calculator for UCC28610 , D and G just different version . I believe you can refer to G version .

    Hope this can answer your questions.


  • thx for your answer. I get all I want and this issue will be closed.

    By the way, I found the unlock password of this excel file is the part number, ucc28600.