Currently I am using LM3550 for my strobe project.
I am using the same schematic as given by TI as reference design. The problem I am facing is when I am placing the LM3500 in charge mode with the indication LED on,
The indication LED goes off after the CAP voltage reaches roughly 2.8V. The capacitor used is 0.5F 5V.
My I2C commands and steps are as follows.
STROBE_SetLow(); // strobe pin low.
I2C1_Write1ByteRegister(LM3550,OPTIONS_REGISTER,0x00); // 16ms Flash
I2C1_Write1ByteRegister(LM3550,GENERAL_PURPOSE_REGISTER,0x92); // Place the LM3550 in fixed voltage charge mode (5V), indication LED on.
I2C1_Write1ByteRegister(LM3550,GENERAL_PURPOSE_REGISTER,0x14); // send the flash command
__delay_ms(16); // delay
I2C1_Write1ByteRegister(LM3550,GENERAL_PURPOSE_REGISTER,0x12); // put the LM3550 in change mode 5V
With the above steps I don’t see the flash.
But if I set the FGATE =1, and put the LM3550 in optimal changing mode then I could see the flash.
Why LM3550 is not charging the capacitor to the programmed voltage.
Thanks in advance for your support.