Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM36010, LM3560, , TPS92200
I'm looking to drive two LEDs for a project. Flip Chip 10 by Lumiled LED Vf=2.77V at 350mA
Due to the low Vf, ICs like the LM3560/LM36010 that I've used in previous projects have too low efficiency.
Do you have a suggestion as an alternative to the LM3553?
Vs = 5V
I2C control only (open to using a I2C->PWM/DC)
for my application Iled would be between 100 and 300mA (Vf = 2.65V-2.75 typical)
2x Leds in series(5.5V at 300mA) or two separate channels(2x 2.75V at 300mA).
Additionally if the LM3553 is my best bet, can M/F be left floating or be pulled down to GND? documentation states:
The default function is a RESET, where a logic '1' places the part in the normal operating mode, and a logic '0' places the part into a RESET state
Is it possible to exit the RESET state via I2C by setting M/F to GPIO mode or does the pin need to be pulled high?
Many thanks,