I have a question on the ripple voltage injection on FB pin. How do I choose the proper ripple voltage level? I found the app note set it as 50mV pk-pk. Please advise on these questions.
- is 50mV pk-pk in app note a proper value for all operating conditions?
- I afraid that the setting value that I choose is too large. While I set the voltage ripple value, there will be point where no more large value is accepted for the proper operation. What's the maximum value of ripple voltage in order to avoid a mis-operation?
Please find the tina model that I attached. The ripple is showing 130mV pk-pk under condition of Vin 45V Vout 5V in buck configuration with Rr 33.2k Cr 2700pF L 22uF. May I reduce this by increasing Rr for the better Vout regulation and more stable operation?