I have a design using the TPS63020 to generate 5V from a single-cell Li-Po battery (3.0 - 4.2V input). However, I'm running into an issue where the PG output seems to be sinking more leakage current than specified in the datasheet - around 0.85uA, which is nearly an order of magnitude greater than the stated maximum. I arrived at this current value based on the voltage present on 5V_PWR_GOOD when the part is enabled and nothing is connected to the PG output besides the pullup resistor.
I could get around this problem simply by reducing the value of the pullup resistor, but I'd rather figure out why the part isn't meeting its specification. I have attached a schematic and the layout I am using. Note that the 5V_EN, 5V_P\S\, and 5V_PWR_GOOD ports are all connected to a 3.3V microcontroller. However I have verified that this excessive leakage occurs even when the microcontroller is not populated and the enable pin is directly connected to BATT+.
Also worth noting is that I have used the TPS63020 before, in an identical configuration, on another product without any issue (using a full 1Mohm pullup).
Does anyone have any idea why I might be seeing this? I'm happy to provide any more information if necessary.