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Problem with Bq80xRW instantiation in C#,urgently!

Development environment: windows10, 64-bit
According to the "EV2300 Customer Kit" information, the VB6.0 version of the EV2300 communication program has been written and tested and determined to be usable.
But in the same way that VB6.0 was developed using vs.net2015 C#, I encountered several problems:
1. After adding the COM component to the toolbox, the vs crash crashes directly when dragging to the Form form, and is also the same in vs2012.
2, BQ80XRWLib.Bq80xRW Bq80xRW1=new BQ80XRWLib.Bq80xRW (); such instantiation is an error
3, view online information, such as: AxBQ80XRWLib.AxBq80xRW Bq80xRW1 = new AxBQ80XRWLib.AxBq80xRW ();
Instantiation succeeded, but execution exception, bq80xrwName.GetFreeBoards(1, ref nReturn, ref dev_name);
"An exception of type 'System.Windows.Forms.AxHost+InvalidActiveXStateException' was thrown."
Added this code,
System.Windows.Forms.Integration.WindowsFormsHost host = new System.Windows.Forms.Integration.WindowsFormsHost();
host.Child = Bq80xRW1;

Or this way of writing:


Error reporting when running to Gd_Main.Children.Add(host):
An unhandled exception of type "System.AccessViolationException" occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll
Additional Information: An attempt was made to read or write to protected memory. This usually indicates that other memory is corrupted

I have tried a lot of methods, I have been working for a few days, there has been a problem with the instantiation of Bq80xRW in C#.

I am very anxious, please provide specific feasible methods or sample code DEMO, thank you!