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UCD3138: ADC pin lowpass filter

Part Number: UCD3138
In Section 2.2 (ADC Pins) of slua779b,
The capacitor values are stated to be chosen such that the cut-off frequency is at least 1/10 of the sampling frequency in the absence of dynamic requirements.

What does the sampling frequency here mean?
Can I think of the sampling frequency as the Switching frequency of the DPWM3A pin?
  • the ADC sampling is controlled by the ADC control registers.  You can do continuous sampling of anywhere from one to 16 channels.  You can also do software triggered sampling, which will give you a lower sample rate.  So the sample rate will vary with each program.  If you do a single channel continuously, you will be close to the rated speed of 267 k samples/second.  Obviously if you do samples on other ADC channels, each channel will have a lower sampling rate.  So you need to calculate the sampling rate based on your particular application.