We have designed Solar MPPT lead acid battery charger using BQ24650 for the following specifications:
Charge Current = 10A
Battery Voltage = 12 V
Input Voltage = 18 V
Current Sense Resistor = 4 milliohms
Inductor 3.6 micro Henries
The following values are observed on various test points;
TS = 1.94 V
VFB = 1.74 V at battery voltage of 12.10 V
Input current = 0.45 Amps
Output Current = 0.554 Amps
The problem we observed is even though the Vlowv threshold is greater than 1.56 V the charger is not changing state from pre-charging mode to fast charging mode.
The charging current is always constant at 0.54 Amps.
Also the voltage across current sense resistor is 2 mV.
The HIDRV is switching. But LODRV is not switching
We followed every suggestion in application notes, datasheets and in EVM use guide for PCB layout component selection etc.
Can someone please suggest the solution to get charging current of 10 Amps?