I am facing an issue in MADC. I have connected 3 analog voltage signals to ADCIn2,3 & 6 respectively. In that from ADCin2 i can able to read the data, but ADCin 3 & 6 i always Zero.
I have enabled DEFAULT_MADC_CLK_EN & MADC_HFCLK_EN bits in GPBR1 register and HFCLK_FREQ bit is configured as 0x02 in CFG_BOOT register. Then i tried to enable SEL_MADC_MCPC bit in CARKIT_ANA_CTRL register. But it is not getting enabled.
I tried to enable SEL_MADC_MCPC bit by enablein g & disabling MADC power On/Off option. Iam geting value as zero always in bothe the channels.(ADCIN3 & ADCIN6). I am using RT conversion Method for conversion.
What coBy,uld be wrong in the configuration. My inoput signal range for these two pins are 1.5V Max.