Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CCSTUDIO
Hi Sir/Ma'am,
I am having TMDSIDK5749 EVM board.
I have installed
"pdk_am57xx_1_0_9" and
CCS v11.0
in ubuntu 16.04 LTS OS.
1) I have tried to create PROFINET snmp project for the AM5749 processor but got the following error.
iveer5@iveer5:~/ti/PRU-ICSS-Profinet_Slave-$ ./projectCreate.sh AM57xx arm snmp_core_stack
Environment Configuration Summary:
CCS Install Directory : /home/iveer5/ti/ccs1100/ccs
CCS Workspace Directory : /home/workspace_v11
SDK Install Directory : /home/iveer5/ti/PRU-ICSS-Profinet_Slave_01.00.02.02
PDK Install Directory : /home/iveer5/ti/PRO_SDK/pdk_am57xx_1_0_9/packages
Projects create Directory : /home/iveer5/ti/PRU-ICSS-Profinet_Slave_01.00.02.02/protocols/profinet_slave/projects
Project create args directory : /home/iveer5/ti/PRU-ICSS-Profinet_Slave_01.00.02.02/protocols/snmp/projects/ccsproject_args
Creating project 'snmp_core_stack_AM57xx_arm' for 'AM57xx' platform in directory '/home/iveer5/ti/PRU-ICSS-Profinet_Slave_01.00.02.02/protocols/profinet_slave/projects/snmp_core_stack_AM57xx_arm' by overwriting the project if it exists already...
Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.
I have referred following link to create project
2) Before that i have tried to apply patch with the following link
I am unable to apply patch also.
The given patch.exe is for windows operating system and i am using linux.
Does my error 1 to create project is related with error 2?
If yes, please provide me patch to apply in linux os
If no, then how to create PROFINET snmp project for AM5749?
Thanks & Regards,
Divyesh Patel