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Part Number: EVMK2EX

Is there an RTOS driver that's supported by the EVMK2EX eval board to use the 10GbE port? The closest example code I've found for using Ethernet at all is the helloWorld sample in the mcsdk_bios ndk examples, but SPRAC57 mentions that Ethernet port 0 (one of the 1GbE ports) must be used for that sample. We are trying to find the simplest way to use 10GbE on the A15.

  • Hi Jeff,

    There were no direct examples on DSP side available in latest SDK for 10GbE support. But there were API functions in CSL to support 10GbE SERDES configuration

    It can be found in "C:/ti/pdk_k2e_4_0_16/packages/ti/csl/docs/doxygen/html/group___c_s_l___s_e_r_d_e_s__10_g_e.html" and source of API functions are in "C:\ti\pdk_k2e_4_0_16\packages\ti\csl\src\ip\serdes_sb\V0\csl_serdes2_10ge.h" (These were default path of SDK).

    For ARM side, only limited support for A15 in RTOS kernel were found.


    Rajarajan U