Our customer has developed their system with TMS320VC5416ZWS120 (120MHz) previously, due to shortage issue, customer plans to replace TMS320VC5416ZWS120 (120MHz) with TMS320VC5416ZWS160 (160MHz). According to datasheet “5.2 Recommended Operating Conditions“, core supply is defined as follows. Even when the TMS320VC5416ZWS160 is operated at 120Mhz frequency , should customer need to meet the following spec?
Since customer is using TMS320VC5416ZWS120 with 1.5V Core power supply voltage, they’d like to use TMS320VC5416ZWS160 (120MHz) with 1.5V Core power supply voltage, if possible. It means, customer would like to use the current board design.
It will be really appreciated if you will share your advice/comments on this inquiry.
Best regards,