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PROCESSOR-SDK-AM64X: Enet Layer 2 CPSW Example does not work anymore with SDK version



with the newest version of MCU-Plus SDK the example "Enet Layer 2 CPSW " doesn't work anymore on SK-AM64x. Example works in SDK-Version

Here's the output from Debug-UART:

     Layer 2 CPSW Test

Init all peripheral clocks
Enabling clocks!

Create RX tasks
cpsw-3g: Create RX task

Open all peripherals
cpsw-3g: Open enet
EnetAppUtils_reduceCoreMacAllocation: Reduced Mac Address Allocation for CoreId:1 From 4 To 3

Init all configs
cpsw-3g: init config
Mdio_open: MDIO Manual_Mode enabled
EnetRm_open: Resource partition validation failed: -3
EnetMod_open: cpsw3g.rm: Failed to open: -3
Cpsw_openInternal: Failed to open RM: -3
Assertion @ Line: 984 in /home/gtbldadm/nightlybuilds/mcupsdk_internal/jenkins/mcu_plus_sdk_am64x_08_05_00_24/source/networking/enet/core/src/per/V1/cpsw.c: hCpsw->hRxRsvdFlow != NULL

BTW: I am talking about MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM64X, but I cannot select this part number when creating a thread ...

  • Thanks for your query.

    I will check and come back on this soon.

    Best Regards


  • Dominik,

    thanks for pointing out. we acknowledge that there is an issue "Enet Layer 2 CPSW Example". we are working with dev team to get it resolved.

    please allow me some time to get back to you with a timeline of resolution.



  • Hi Dominik,

    Please refer

    and make sure you have pinmux related changes needed for CPSW in AM64x-SK board.

    Best Regards


  • Hi Ashwani,

    this doesn't solve my issue. I am using SDK version in this SDK version there is already an example explictely for SK-AM64x. In the example the pinmux seems to be correct. So no need to change anything?!

    Here the relevant lines from the example.syscfg that is used

    enet_cpsw1.$name                        = "CONFIG_ENET_CPSW0";
    enet_cpsw1.DisableMacPort2              = true;
    enet_cpsw1.mdioMode                     = "MDIO_MODE_MANUAL";
    enet_cpsw1.txDmaChannel[0].$name        = "ENET_DMA_TX_CH0";
    enet_cpsw1.rxDmaChannel[0].$name        = "ENET_DMA_RX_CH0";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].$name              = "ENET_CPSW_PINMUX0";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].MDIO.$assign       = "MDIO0";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].MDIO.MDC.$assign   = "ball.R2";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].MDIO.MDIO.$assign  = "ball.P5";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].RGMII1.$assign     = "RGMII1";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].RGMII1.RD0.$assign = "ball.AA13";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].RGMII2.$assign     = "RGMII2";
    const udma         = scripting.addModule("/drivers/udma/udma", {}, false);
    const udma1        = udma.addInstance({}, false);
    enet_cpsw1.udmaDrv = udma1;
     * Pinmux solution for unlocked pins/peripherals. This ensures that minor changes to the automatic solver in a future
     * version of the tool will not impact the pinmux you originally saw.  These lines can be completely deleted in order to
     * re-solve from scratch.
    debug_log.uartLog.UART.$suggestSolution             = "USART0";
    debug_log.uartLog.UART.RXD.$suggestSolution         = "ball.D15";
    debug_log.uartLog.UART.TXD.$suggestSolution         = "ball.C16";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].RGMII1.RD1.$suggestSolution    = "ball.U12";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].RGMII1.RD2.$suggestSolution    = "ball.Y13";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].RGMII1.RD3.$suggestSolution    = "ball.V12";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].RGMII1.RX_CTL.$suggestSolution = "ball.V13";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].RGMII1.RXC.$suggestSolution    = "ball.W13";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].RGMII1.TD0.$suggestSolution    = "ball.V15";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].RGMII1.TD1.$suggestSolution    = "ball.V14";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].RGMII1.TD2.$suggestSolution    = "ball.W14";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].RGMII1.TD3.$suggestSolution    = "ball.AA14";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].RGMII1.TX_CTL.$suggestSolution = "ball.U15";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].RGMII1.TXC.$suggestSolution    = "ball.U14";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].RGMII2.RD0.$suggestSolution    = "ball.W11";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].RGMII2.RD1.$suggestSolution    = "ball.V11";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].RGMII2.RD2.$suggestSolution    = "ball.AA12";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].RGMII2.RD3.$suggestSolution    = "ball.Y12";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].RGMII2.RX_CTL.$suggestSolution = "ball.W12";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].RGMII2.RXC.$suggestSolution    = "ball.U11";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].RGMII2.TD0.$suggestSolution    = "ball.AA10";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].RGMII2.TD1.$suggestSolution    = "ball.V10";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].RGMII2.TD2.$suggestSolution    = "ball.U10";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].RGMII2.TD3.$suggestSolution    = "ball.AA11";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].RGMII2.TX_CTL.$suggestSolution = "ball.Y11";
    enet_cpsw1.pinmux[0].RGMII2.TXC.$suggestSolution    = "ball.Y10";

    I've also done the last step described there:

    Can you program the sbl null bootloader available in MCU+ SDK 8.02 instead of You can follow the same steps to flash the binary.
    There might be differences in the binary between two SDK's

    So I've used the latest config "default_sbl_null.cfg" + python script provided in the SDK

    But the issue still exists!

  • Thanks Dominik for update.

    Do you have local build setup ?

    If Yes, follow below steps:

    1. open file: mcu_plus_sdk_am64x_08_05_00_24\source\networking\.meta\enet_cpsw\templates\am64x_am243x\enet_soc_cfg.c.xdt
    2. /*!
       *  \brief CPSW3G default configuration
       *   Note: If user wishes to change the Resource Partition the following
       *   things must be considered:
       *   1. Sum of numTxCh allocated to each core should not exceed 8.
       *   2. Sum of numRxFlows allocated to each core should not exceed 7 (not 8),
       *      as one Rx flow is reserved to the master core.
      static EnetRm_ResPrms gEnetAppRmDefCfg_3G =
          .coreDmaResInfo =
              [0] =
                  .coreId        = `module.getCpuID()`,
                  .numTxCh       = ENET_SYSCFG_TX_CHANNELS_NUM,    /* numTxCh */
                  .numRxFlows    = (ENET_SYSCFG_RX_FLOWS_NUM + 1),    /* numRxFlows. Need one additional flow for reserved flow  */
                  .numMacAddress = 3U,    /* numMacAddress */
          .numCores = 1U,
      1. change .numMacAddress = 3U,    /* numMacAddress */
      2. It should be 4 by default
    3. open command prompt 
    4. cd C:\ti\mcu_plus_sdk_am64x_08_05_00_24
    5. gmake -s -C examples/networking/enet_layer2_cpsw/am64x-sk/r5fss0-0_freertos/ti-arm-clang clean
    6. gmake -s -C examples/networking/enet_layer2_cpsw/am64x-sk/r5fss0-0_freertos/ti-arm-clang all
    7. generated .out can be found in
      1. C:\ti\mcu_plus_sdk_am64x_08_05_00_24\examples\networking\enet_layer2_cpsw\am64x-sk\r5fss0-0_freertos\ti-arm-clang
      2. file name will be enet_l2_cpsw.release.out
    8. Try to load this file using ccs

    Issue should not occur for this.

    Best regards


  • Hi Ashwani,

    fortunately I have already setup to compile with gmake. Debug output changed but there is still the assertion, as before:

         Layer 2 CPSW Test
    Init all peripheral clocks
    Enabling clocks!
    Create RX tasks
    cpsw-3g: Create RX task
    Open all peripherals
    cpsw-3g: Open enet
    EnetAppUtils_reduceCoreMacAllocation: Reduced Mac Address Allocation for CoreId:1 From 3 To 2
    Init all configs
    cpsw-3g: init config
    Assertion @ Line: 984 in /home/gtbldadm/nightlybuilds/mcupsdk_internal/jenkins/mcu_plus_sdk_am64x_08_05_00_24/source/networking/enet/core/src/per/V1/cpsw.c: hCpsw->hRxRsvdFlow != NULL

  • Hi Dominic,

    I am sharing screenshot of CCS project settings. Please confirm same on your side ?

    As on my setup, I could able to reproduce the issue you were facing.

    But, After adding changes I suggested you, I am able to get out of issue.


    Open all peripherals
    cpsw-3g: Open enet
    EnetAppUtils_reduceCoreMacAllocation: Reduced Mac Address Allocation for CoreId:1 From 4 To 3

    Init all configs
    cpsw-3g: init config
    Mdio_open: MDIO Manual_Mode enabled

    Starting NULL Bootloader ...

    DMSC Firmware Version 8.5.3--v08.05.03 (Chill Capybar
    DMSC Firmware revision 0x8
    DMSC ABI revision 3.1

    INFO: Bootloader_runCpu:155: CPU r5f1-0 is initialized to 800000000 Hz !!!
    INFO: Bootloader_runCpu:155: CPU r5f1-1 is initialized to 800000000 Hz !!!
    INFO: Bootloader_runCpu:155: CPU m4f0-0 is initialized to 400000000 Hz !!!
    INFO: Bootloader_runCpu:155: CPU a530-0 is initialized to 800000000 Hz !!!
    INFO: Bootloader_runCpu:155: CPU a530-1 is initialized to 800000000 Hz !!!
    INFO: Bootloader_loadSelfCpu:207: CPU r5f0-0 is initialized to 800000000 Hz !!!
    INFO: Bootloader_loadSelfCpu:207: CPU r5f0-1 is initialized to 800000000 Hz !!!
    INFO: Bootloader_runSelfCpu:217: All done, reseting self ...

    Layer 2 CPSW Test

    Init all peripheral clocks
    Enabling clocks!

    Create RX tasks
    cpsw-3g: Create RX task

    Open all peripherals
    cpsw-3g: Open enet
    EnetAppUtils_reduceCoreMacAllocation: Reduced Mac Address Allocation for CoreId:1 From 3 To 2

    Init all configs
    cpsw-3g: init config
    cpsw-3g: Open port 1
    PHY 0 is alive
    PHY 1 is alive

    Attach core id 1 on all peripherals
    cpsw-3g: Attach core
    cpsw-3g: Open DMA
    initQs() txFreePktInfoQ initialized with 16 pkts
    cpsw-3g: Waiting for link up...

    Best Regards


  • Hi Dominic,

    Can you please provide details of tools you are using example: sysfw version ?

    Best Regards


  • Hi Ashwani,

    Thank you for your patience. I completely deleted the old project and re-imported the project. Now it works with your suggested solution.


    Kind regards


    Hint for others who have the same problem: With the change applied in SDK you can also use CCS to normally build the project you do not necessarily need to build via gmake

  • Hi Dominic,

    Thanks for confirmation. 

    But this is not a clean fix. It was just to make sure that we got the root cause properly and there is no other side effect of this changes on your board.

    I will work with dev team and come up with timeline to provide you a clean fix for this issue.

    Best Regards


  • Hello Ashwani,

    I had same issue on my side and I believe the issue is about the EEPROM contents.

    Indeed, in the SDK 8.05, the number of MAC address is read from the EEPROM memory of the board:

    I think that writing a number of 2 Max address solve the issue (despite the fact than second MAC address value is 0x00) This behavior looks like SDK 8.04

    However, I have very poor performance on the switching part of ethernet packet:

    sorry, it is in french but just for a ping every second, I have a lost of packets :/

    (I can open another issue for that If you want)



  • I can open another issue for that If you want

    It will be helpful. Please open another thread to track the issue.

    Best Regards
