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66AK2E05: Building SDK no longer possible

Expert 1010 points
Part Number: 66AK2E05


It seems that it is not possible to build last version of Processor SDK Linux (06_03_00_106) for k2e platform anymore.

These steps from documentation (1.2. Building the SDK — Processor SDK Linux Documentation) are not possible since  git:// does not exist anymore:

$ git clone git:// tisdk
$ cd tisdk
$ ./ -f configs/processor-sdk/processor-sdk-<version>-config.txt
$ cd build
$ . conf/setenv
$ export TOOLCHAIN_PATH_ARMV7=$HOME/gcc-arm-8.3-2019.03-x86_64-arm-linux-gnueabihf
$ export TOOLCHAIN_PATH_ARMV8=$HOME/gcc-arm-8.3-2019.03-x86_64-aarch64-linux-gnu
$ MACHINE=am57xx-evm bitbake arago-base-tisdk-image

I did not see any end of support of k2e platform on the website.

What is the situation with this SOC?

Best Regards