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[FAQ] PROCESSOR-SDK-AM64X: Enet Layer 2 CPSW Example not working on AM64x MCU+ SDK



This is known issue with MCUSDK 8.5. Planned to be fixed in upcoming release.

Note: What I am discussing here is just a workaround not a clean fix.

Steps to check:

If You have local build setup, follow below steps.

  1. open file: mcu_plus_sdk_am64x_08_05_00_24\source\networking\.meta\enet_cpsw\templates\am64x_am243x\enet_soc_cfg.c.xdt

 *  \brief CPSW3G default configuration
 *   Note: If user wishes to change the Resource Partition the following
 *   things must be considered:
 *   1. Sum of numTxCh allocated to each core should not exceed 8.
 *   2. Sum of numRxFlows allocated to each core should not exceed 7 (not 8),
 *      as one Rx flow is reserved to the master core.
static EnetRm_ResPrms gEnetAppRmDefCfg_3G =
    .coreDmaResInfo =
        [0] =
            .coreId        = `module.getCpuID()`,
            .numTxCh       = ENET_SYSCFG_TX_CHANNELS_NUM,    /* numTxCh */
            .numRxFlows    = (ENET_SYSCFG_RX_FLOWS_NUM + 1),    /* numRxFlows. Need one additional flow for reserved flow  */
            .numMacAddress = 3U,    /* numMacAddress */
    .numCores = 1U,

  1. change .numMacAddress = 3U,    /* numMacAddress */
    1. It should be 4 by default
  2. open command prompt 
  3. cd C:\ti\mcu_plus_sdk_am64x_08_05_00_24
  4. gmake -s -C examples/networking/enet_layer2_cpsw/am64x-sk/r5fss0-0_freertos/ti-arm-clang clean
  5. gmake -s -C examples/networking/enet_layer2_cpsw/am64x-sk/r5fss0-0_freertos/ti-arm-clang all
  6. generated .out can be found in
    1. C:\ti\mcu_plus_sdk_am64x_08_05_00_24\examples\networking\enet_layer2_cpsw\am64x-sk\r5fss0-0_freertos\ti-arm-clang
    2. file name will be enet_l2_cpsw.release.out
  7. Try to load this file using ccs

Best Regards
