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As much i can see, There is no rtos support for Rtos-Fat. because its not thread safe.

Still, i am trying to implement it. i use mcu + sdk 09_00_00_31 am64x.

When i include fat .lib file into hello_world rtos project, it gives me redefinition error. i assume there is same function definitions.

If i delete this implementations on fat files and rebuild sdk, is it going to work ?

Do you have any suggestion for me to port fat to freertos environment ?

You mentioned you working on fat for freertos support. When you are planing to release it ?

Thank You.

  • i figured it out.

    i deleted functons caused redefinion from rtos/portable/portable.c.

    rebuild lib files.

    imported basic mmcsd project from sdk.

    deleted nortos lib files from linker\arm_linker and nortos include files from compiler\include from project settings

    added rtos lib and include files instead.

    Now it works in rtos task.

    Note: use this carefully! RtosFat is not thread safe .