Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM3357
My question also relates to the following two threads:
- https://e2e.ti.com/support/processors-group/processors/f/processors-forum/1006877/am5716-boundary-scan-issue-with-ddr1_dqsx-pins
We use Göpel CASCON software to boundary scan test our units.
I have still some problems to be able to correctly boundary scan test a unit that includes the AM5716AABCXEA and DDR3 SDRAM MT41K256M16TW-107XIT.
All the problems are related to the DDR1_DQS[3:0] and DDR1_DQSN[3:0] signals (differential bidirectional signals).
Those signals are defined in the BSDL file as follows (just DDR1_DQS0 and DDR1_DQSN0 shown):
ddr1_dqs0: INOUT bit;
ddr1_dqsn0: OUT bit;
"ddr1_dqsn0: AG25 , " &
"ddr1_dqsn1: AE28 , " &
"1354 (bc_1, ddr1_dqsn0, output3, X, 1355, 1, Z)," &
"1355 (bc_1, *, control, 1)," &
"1356 (bc_1, *, internal, 0)," &
"1369 (bc_1, ddr1_dqs0, output3, X, 1370, 1, Z)," &
"1370 (bc_1, *, control, 1)," &
"1371 (bc_1, ddr1_dqs0, input, X)," &
From this definition it seems that DDR1_DQS0 is bidirectional but DDR1_DQSN0 is output only.
Now our boundary scan software has a problem as this does not match with the definition of the DDR3 SDRAM pin definition. As DDR1_DQSN0 is defined as output only the software is not able to generate a test program.
If I compare those definitions with the ones for MLBP_SIG (MLBP_SIG_P and MLBP_SIG_N) which are also differential bidirectional signals I see quite some differences:
mlbp_sig_p: INOUT bit;
mlbp_sig_n: INOUT bit;
"mlbp_sig_n: AC2 , " &
"mlbp_sig_p: AC1 , " &
attribute PORT_GROUPING of AM571_top : entity is
"Differential_Voltage ( (mlbp_dat_p,mlbp_dat_n)," &
"(mlbp_clk_p,mlbp_clk_n)," &
"(mlbp_sig_p,mlbp_sig_n))" ;
"805 (bc_1, mlbp_sig_p, output3, X,806,1, Z)," &
"806 (bc_1, *, control, 1)," &
"807 (bc_1, mlbp_sig_p, input, X)," &
Is there a possibility that there is a problem with those definitions in the BSDL file?
Thanks and best regards,