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[FAQ] AM62A7: How to modify and rebuild TI's 2A algorithm for AM6xA Processor SDK Linux?

Part Number: AM62A7
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM68A, AM69A, AM62A3, , AM62A3-Q1

I'm using the Processor SDK Linux for AM6xA for Edge AI applications. I want to modify and rebuild TI's 2A algorithm and run it in the SDK. How can I do that?

Other parts: AM62A3, AM62A7-Q1, AM62A3-Q1, AM68A, AM69A

  • As shown in this FAQ, TI's 2A algorithm runs in Linux on the A53 core. The 2A algorithm is archived in the shared library, /usr/lib/ in the target file system.

    root@am62axx-evm:~# ls /usr/lib/libtivision* -al
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      25 Mar  9  2018 /usr/lib/ ->
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8767464 Mar  9  2018 /usr/lib/

    To rebuild the 2A algorithm, follow the steps listed below:

    1. Obtain the firmware-builder and its user guide as described in this FAQ
    2. Follow the user guide to setup the firmware-builder build environment. Below examples are based on SDK 9.1 release
      ~/ti/ti-firmware-builder-am62axx-evm-09_01_00_07$ export SOC=am62a
      ~/ti/ti-firmware-builder-am62axx-evm-09_01_00_07$ export TISDK_IMAGE=edgeai
      ~/ti/ti-firmware-builder-am62axx-evm-09_01_00_07$ ./sdk_builder/scripts/
      ~/ti/ti-firmware-builder-am62axx-evm-09_01_00_07$ export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin
    3. Edit and change the auto exposure (AE) algorithm source code in <ti-firmware-builder-install-path>/imaging/algos/ae/
    4. Rebuild the shared library
      ~/ti/ti-firmware-builder-am62axx-evm-09_01_00_07$ cd sdk_builder/
      ~/ti/ti-firmware-builder-am62axx-evm-09_01_00_07/sdk_builder$ make imaging
      ~/ti/ti-firmware-builder-am62axx-evm-09_01_00_07/sdk_builder$ make vision_apps
    5. Copy both the shared library and the soft link to the target file system /usr/lib
      ti-firmware-builder-am62axx-evm-09_01_00_07/vision_apps/out/AM62A/A53/LINUX/release/ ->*

    Note: the auto-white-balance (AWB) algorithm source code is not released and therefore the AWB is not rebuildable.