AM3356: About the behavior of /dev/input/event0 after suspend recovery

Part Number: AM3356


Hi expert

We are facing a problem, please help

/dev/input/event0 is used to detect GPIO changes.

The GPIO for change detection is active low.

If the signal goes into suspend while in the active (low) state and then comes out of suspend,
The events event.value:0 ⇒ event.value:1 will always occur in succession.
However,in rare cases, when returning from suspend, only the event with event.value:0 occurs,
and the software detects that it is OFF and malfunctions.

When suspending with the signal value active and then returning, is it normal for the events to go from inactive to active consecutively?
Since there is no change in the signal value, no event will occur, right?

Also, in rare cases, why is it that even if the signal value is active, an active event does not occur when returning from suspend?


Linux Kernel Version:5.10.100(2021 LTS)
SDK Version:

