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Part Number: TDA4VH-Q1



While building Object detection application in DL demos of vision_apps there is a step mentioned "Create a folder and keep all the .yuv files used for detection, there are a few images under "/opt/vision_apps/test_data/psdkra/tidl_demo_images".

Here opt folder is not present in the installed sdk-rtos.

And also in Single camera VPAC application in Basic demos of vision_apps there is a step mentioned

"Copy raw images to input folder.

cp ${VX_TEST_DATA_PATH}/psdkra/app_single_cam/IMX390_001/input1.raw ${PSDKR_PATH}/vision_apps/apps/basic_demos/app_single_cam/x86_test_data/test_root/input/img_0000.raw
cp ${VX_TEST_DATA_PATH}/psdkra/app_single_cam/IMX390_001/input2.raw ${PSDKR_PATH}/vision_apps/apps/basic_demos/app_single_cam/x86_test_data/test_root/input/img_0001.raw"
Here the folder IMX390_001/input1.raw file is missing.
Is this Installation error ?