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[FAQ] AM625 / AM623 / AM62A / AM62P / AM64x / AM243x Design Recommendations / Custom board hardware design - Queries related to passive components values, tolerance, voltage rating

Part Number: AM625


Hi TI Experts,

1. In the SK/EVM i see 49.9K resistor used. Can i use a standard value instead

2.  In the SK/EVM i see a number of resistors used with 1% tolerance for pullups and series resistors. Can i use standard tolerance resistors?

3. Is there a recommendation on the capacitor voltage rating

4. Sections that have 1% resistor recommendations 

5. Sections that have capacitor value recommendations 

  • Hi Board designers, 

    Refer below 

    1. In the SK/EVM i see 49.9K resistor used. Can i use a  standard value instead

    Ok to use a standard 47K resistor 

    2. In the SK/EVM i see a number of resistors used with 1% tolerance for pullups and series resistors. Can i use standard tolerance resistors?

    There are specific resistors that have 1% tolerance requirements. 

    All other resistors used can be standard tolerance resistors.

    3. Is there a recommendation on the capacitor voltage rating 

    This is customer design and requirements dependent

    Generic suggestion (derating) is to use capacitors with voltage rating > 2 time the worst-case voltage applied for non-polarized capacitors.

    For polarized capacitors review relevant data sheet for derating. 

    4. Sections that have 1% resistor recommendations

    Refer below:

    Resistors that need 1% tolerance 
    Section  Functions
    Power DC/DC output and LDO feedback voltage divider 
      USB2 USB rcalib
      USB VBUS 
    DDR4 CAL0
    LPDDR4  CAL0


    The Below excel provides additional details

    List of 1% resistors used in AM62x, AM62Ax, AM62Px, AM625SIP, AM62Dx, AM243x AM64x_EVM_SKs_31122024.xlsx

    5.. Is there a recommendation on the capacitor voltage rating

    CAP_VDDSx, CAP_VDDS_CANUART, CAP_VDDS_MCU, CAP_VDDSHV_MMC1 have capacitor value recommendations.

    Note: USB interface when configured as host has capacitor value requirements to be connected near to the connector.

    Refer USB standards or SK schematics.

