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[FAQ] AM625 / AM623 / AM62A / AM62P / AM62D-Q1 / AM64x / AM243x Design Recommendations / Custom board hardware design - Schematics review checklists

Part Number: AM625
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM62D-Q1, AM62P


Hi Board designers 

The AM64x, AM62x, AM62Ax and AM62Px custom board Schematic review Checklist application note provides a supplemental design check
when creating designs with AM64x, AM62x, AM62Ax and AM62Px family of processors. Schematic review Checklist enables customers to
perform self-review of all the sections (critical aspects) of their custom board design as well as track which sections of the
custom board schematic have been reviewed and sections that might need additional attention or clarifications.
This FAQ provides detailed description on how to use the spreadsheet and address some of the common questions/issues that can arise
during custom board schematic design. The FAQ and the schematic review checklist is a companion to the other processor documentation
(Data sheet, Technical Reference Manual, Errata, Application notes and so forth) and does not replace it or any documentation.
If there are any discrepancies between this schematic review checklist and processor documentation, the processor documentation
take precedent (unless otherwise noted).

When reviewing a custom board schematic design, often the review Checklist will refer you to processor specific EVM or SK design(s).
In case of any discrepancy between TI EVM or SK and the device-specific data sheet, or other documentation, always follow the processor
documentation (unless otherwise noted). Despite the designer's best efforts, the EVM/SK may contain errors that still function but
are not completely aligned with the data sheet specification. The EVM/SK designs are a great place for design information,
but should not be considered as reference designs to be blindly reused.


Schematic Review Checklist
The key features of the Schematic Review Checklist are listed in this section. The Schematic Review Checklist covers wide range
of topics regarding custom board schematic design. The list has been made comprehensive for customer to use. However, the list is not exhaustive,
and other items might need to be verified in your custom board design.
If you have specific questions about this Schematic Review Checklist or aspects of a design not covered by this Schematic Review Checklist, submit
a ticket on the TI E2E support forums.

Topics covered in the Schematic Review Checklist includes:

  • Processor Selection
  • Power Architecture
  • General Recommendations including Component Selection and guidelines to be followed Before Beginning the Design and SK/EVM design reuse 
  • Processor-Specific checklist for Processor Core and Peripheral Core supplies, Peripheral Analog supplies and IO group supplies
  • Processor-Specific checklist for eFuse VPP supply, partial IO mode configuration and Capacitors for Supply Rails
  • Processor-Specific checklist for Clock (clock input, clock output) and Reset (reset input and reset output)
  • Processor-Specific checklist for Configuration of Boot Modes (for Processor) and Board Debug Using JTAG and EMU
  • Processor-Specific checklist for Supply Connections for IO Groups
  • Checklist for memory Interface (DDRSS (DDR4 / LPDDR4), MMCSD (eMMC / SD / SDIO), OSPI / QSPI and GPMC)
  • Checklist for external Communication Interface (Ethernet (CPSW3G), USB2.0, PRUSS, UART and Controller Area Network (CAN))
  • Checklist for on-board Synchronous Communication Interface (MCSPI, MCASP and I2C)
  • Checklist for user Interface (CSIRX0, DPI, OLDI, DSI), GPIO and Hardware Diagnostics
  • Checklist for general Board Bring-up and Debug

Refer below schematic review checklist for Sitara family of processors 

Schematic Review Checklist  for AM64x and AM243x processor family


Schematic Design Guidelines Review checklist_AM64_30122024.xlsx

Schematic Review Checklist for AM62x processor family (Recommended)



Schematic Design Guidelines, Review checklist_AM625_Processor_Family_02012025.xlsx

Schematic Review Checklist for AM62Ax, AM62D-Q1 processor family (Recommended)



0042.Schematic Design Guidelines, Review checklist_AM62A_AM62D_23122024.xlsx

Schematic Review Checklist for AM62Px processor family (Recommended)



2045.Schematic Design Guidelines, Review checklist_AM62P_Processor_Family_31122024.xlsx





