AM62A7: ti-linux-kernel git not accessbile during bitbake command

Part Number: AM62A7


Hi AM62A team !

A customer found the git of ti-linux-kernel can not be accessed these days. Can you please check? 

I don't know what SDK version they are using. But it seems not SDK10.x since kernel version is not 6.5.y according to their log snippet.


linux-ti-staging-6.1.33+gitAUTOINC+8f7f371be2-r0b.arago5_psdkla_109_edgeai_0_edgeai_5 do_fetch: Failed to fetch URL git://;protocol=https;branch=ti-linux-6.1.y, attempting MIRRORS if available





Best Regards, 


  • Often those access issues are transient. I'd recommend trying again.

    Also, you can try cloning the kernel manually into a temporary folder to see if this works; this will help validate general server accessibility and connectivity.

    $ git clone
    Cloning into 'ti-linux-kernel'...

    Regards, Andreas