AM620-Q1: What is default MAC address for eth0 and eth1?

Part Number: AM620-Q1


Hi, Dear Expert

Customer wants to use our internal default MAC address for final production, here are some question.

1. Does eth0 interface mapping WKUP_MMR0_MAC_ID0 and eWKUP_MMR0_MAC_ID1 Register?


2. What's default value for WKUP_MMR0_MAC_ID0 & WKUP_MMR0_MAC_ID1 ? Does it unique for each AM62x chip?

For example, I try to dump this two register & compare to eth0 interface

I think the MAC address is 1c:63:49:22:4f:2e, which was assigned in the part during production.

Is this a "legitimate" MAC address, which can apply for final customer's production usage? Any Concern?

3. Does eth1 MAC address random generate by SW boot? As far as I know, we do not have dedicated register to store eth1 mac address, isn't?

Thank You.
