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[FAQ] PROCESSOR-SDK-J721S2: How to enable second DSI instance on J721S2 device.

Part Number: PROCESSOR-SDK-J721S2


J721S2 devices support two DSI outputs from Display subsystem. The first DSI output ie DSI0 is already supported in the processor SDK RTOS and this is available via DSI to DP convertor on the EVM. The second DSI output ie DSI1 is not supported in the processor SDK RTOS, as there is no device connected on the EVM for this output. 

This article provides patches to enable second DSI in the Processor SDK RTOS PDK drivers. 

  • The attached patch adds support for second DSI instance in the PDK driver. 


    Please find below details about this patch.

    - Please apply this patch on top of ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721s2-evm-10_01_00_04\pdk_j721s2_10_01_00_25 folder. 

    - Current DSI driver in packages/ti/drv/dss/src/drv/dctrl/dss_dctrlDsi.c file supports only controlling single DSI instance. 

    - This patch updates this driver to support multiple instances, controlled by instance id, which is passed by the DSS Display driver. 

    - Based on the instance id, it configures the DSI instances. Both the DSI instances can now be simultaneously active. This instance id can be passed from the application using Dss_DctrlDsiParams.instId parameter. 

    - In order to connect the input pipeline to second DSI instance, please use OVERLAY4 to connect to Video pipe and then Overlay4 to VP4 and VP4 to DSI1 over 24bit interface.

