Hi Gokul,
Can you help me with configuring PSLC in eMMC.
Hi Gokul,
Reference Thread:
Configuring PSLC in Linux kernel using mmc-util:
Command : [mmc enh_area --help] command in the userspace of linux kernel.
Configuring PSLC in UBOOT:
1:Enter into Linux kernel,execute the following command ,and just note it down:
> cat /sys/class/block/mmcblk0/size
It basically indicates the number of 512 blocks present in the emmc uda partition
2:Reboot into Uboot and enter the below command which will just test if it is working:
> mmc hwpartition user enh <start> <number of 512B sized blocks> check

I am attaching an example below just for reference:
Here 62160896 is the value obtained after running cat /sys/class/block/mmcblk0/size as stated earlier.

Here 1264 indicates the maximum number of HC WP Group Size(8Mib(as in the below image)) blocks allowed.

Hence number of 512B sized blocks now = (1264×8×1024×1024)/512 which is equal to 20709376 which works fine.

3:Now to set this configuration permanently:
NOTE:Because all the operations are one-time only,be very careful before applying the below command.
> mmc hwpartition user enh 0 20709376 wrrel on complete
4:Power cycle the board for the changes to get applied.