Hello Everyone,
I have a ACTBP but without original SD Card , I'm trying to find the "bootimg.bin" to prepare the SD card for ACTBP.
For C5535 and newer
- SD card needs to be formatted in either FAT32 or FAT16 format
- Copy the ".bin" (ex: bootimg.bin) file to the formatted SD Card under root partition (filename MUST BE "bootimg.bin")
I found here is a location to get bootimg.bin http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Audio_Capacitive_Touch_BoosterPack_C5535_Software
but after clicking "Get Software" it jumps to http://www.ti.com/tool/audiocapdsp-c55x . And there is no bootimg.bin .
Do I miss anythihng ? or Anyone can give me the correct location to download ?