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ipnc rdk 5.1 message queue id value is getting as ZERO

I am working with IPNC RDK 5.1 release and i am facing an issue with message queue used in the file ApproDrvMsg.c.

The value of qid passed as argument to msgsnd() function call from SendDmvaEnableMsg() function is coming as zero, instead of a proper value. It seems the qid value is not properly assigned before this function call. The code execution flow for which we faced this issue is given below:
SystemInit in system_control.c file invokes StartStream(&tConfig) function.
StartStream(&tConfig) -> SetDmvaEnable() ->  SetDmvaPrm() ->SendDmvaEnableMsg()

We noticed that the qid is getting properly updated when the function InitAV_Server(&tConfig) is executed. But this function is getting called after StartStream() function.

We would like to know whether this is a known issue, or if we have missed something in our analysis.

  • HI Geo,

    That is a good observation from VVDN !!!


    In StartStream() fn the purpose of calling ‘SetDmvaEnable()’ API is to tell web GUI to enable/disable Smart Analytics page.

    So just calling ‘fSetDmvaEnable()’ instead of ‘SetDmvaEnable()’ would do the job.


    So they can replace SetDmvaEnable() call with the ‘fSetDmvaEnable()’ call in ‘StartStream()’.


    Message queue init is done in ‘InitAV_Server()’ fn so all the message communication should happen after this fn call.


    As far as the impact of calling ‘SetDmvaEnable()’ in ‘StartStream()’ is concerned it is non-fatal.

    Best REgards
