Tool/software: Starterware
hey everybody,
trying to set up the pwm module, i came to face the following problem:
starterware's functions: EHRPWMClockEnable, EHRPWMTimebaseClkConfig and EHRPWMLoadCMPA
seem to not be working properly.
in detail, after loading the executable to my beaglebone white, it works fine until reaching those
functions. I have used UARTprintf to display a simple message each time a function reaches it's end.
This happens successfully unless i use the aforementioned functions.
In that case the program never reaches the end of those functions.An example of what i mean:
UARTprintf("start test\n"); L3L4_clock_domain_open(); UARTprintf("reached this point1\n"); pwmss_clk_enable(1); UARTprintf("reached this point2\n"); pwmss_tbclk_enable(1); UARTprintf("reached this point3\n"); EHRPWMClockEnable(SOC_PWMSS1_REGS); UARTprintf("reached this point4\n");
In this example, the messages i get in the terminal are:
start test
reached this point1
reached this point2
reached this point3
and then it just "hangs" there...Same happens if i use the other mentioned functions.
Sorry if i haven't explained my problem clearly, please ask for any clarifications and please give me any ideas? Or a direction on what should i do..