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Compiler/TMS320C6457: McBSP not working for external loopback.

Part Number: TMS320C6457

Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler


Please find solution for McBSP

1) when i enable DLB = 1 in SPCR for digital loop back is enable then Mcbsp_MulChannel_example.c code is compile successfully and when i run this code then McBSP is Pass.i install MCSDK on given path i found example of Mcbsp_MulChannel_example.c  in C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\pdk_c64x_1_00_00_06\packages\ti\csl\c6457\csl_c6457\example\mcbsp\mcbsp_multi_channel\src given path.

2) when i disable DLB = 0 in SPCR for digital loop back is disable then Mcbsp_MulChannel_example.c code is compile successfully and when i  run this code then McBSP is Failed. i short pin CLKX0(55) to CLKR0(53), FSX0(50) to FSR0(48), DX0(54) to DR0(52) for McBSP0 and CLKX1(62) to CLKR1(60), FSX1(65) to FSR1(63), DX1(69) to DR1(67) for McBSP1.On the EVM  j1 header  i short pin 55 to 53, 50 to 48, 54 to 52 for McBSP0 and 62 to 60, 65 to 63, 69 to 67 for McBSP1.

3) how to configure CLKS0 for use internal chip-clks from main PLL.

