Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler
My end goal is to be able to compile a single program with a version of gcc supporting C++11 and run it on my current target Linux system. Currently this Linux system is compiled using arm-arago-linux-gnueabi toolchain from TI SDK 05.02.
I saw that TI SDK 06.00 is the last to support AM3517 and has most C++11 features, so I attempted to use it and run on the current SDK 05.02 system. In the process, I discovered that the libraries are compiled in hardfp, unlike arago, so it seems I would need to recompile the kernel and all applications in hard fp to transition to this new compiler correct?
Are there any other easier alternatives to being able to compile and run my program using a C++11 compiler with minimal changes to my target linux environment?