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The item to update in TDA4 SW package v1.0.0.0


TDA4_PSDKRA_RTOS v0.9.0.1 SW package release package for TDA4 was released by TI.

The release version SW package for TDA4 will be released by TI soon.

Could you check a thing, which will be released in the new TDA4_PSDKRA_RTOS v1.0.0.0 SW package.

Are you going to update the previous version( CAN API or CAN related Demo for receiving and transmitting the related data in CAN communication ?

If you update this, I'd like to check roughly the contents to update, comparing with v0.9.0.1 SW release package.


Alex Jung.

  • Hi Alex,

    Most of APIs are same in 1.0 as compared to, however there are few updates to improve the performance.

    The scheduled release date is 31 October, I would suggest you to wait for 1.0 release to check the exact contents.



  • Hi, 

    If the release version will not have any update, 

    Could you provide the basic example for transmitting and receiving CAN data, based on each task in TI-RTOS.

    Simply, I make each task for RX and TX using each necessary API, which is provided by TI.

    And then, I am running the application on MCU R5_0 core.


    In the middle of CAN communication with CANoe, Some stuff error for RX error(EVM board --> CANoe) is often happened.

    If you have the example in TI RTOS and give me that,

    I will be grateful. 


    Alex Jung. 

  • Hi Alex,

    Sorry for the delayed response

    You can refer to MCAN Unit Test: psdk_rtos_auto_j7_06_01_00_15/pdk/packages/ti/csl/test/mcanUt



  • Hi,

    I haven't heard back from you, I'm assuming you were able to resolve your issue.
    If not, just post a reply below (or create a new thread if the thread has locked due to time-out).
