Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1605
Dear All,
I am working in a hardware design with the two references above.
In page 28, Fig. 28 of the datasheet ADS1605 describes how to interface the ADC with the DSP.
I undestand that for the databus, I have to use the databus of the EMIF, that is, EMA_D[15..0].
For the nCS, I can use any of the nEMA_CS[x], for example, nEMA_CS[3].
However I have doubts on where to connect nDRDY and nRD.
What is signal nARE on the DSP? I dont see any signal named like this on DSP. Where should I connect nRD on the DSP? nEMA_OE or EMA_A_RW? other?
Should I connect nDRDY to EMA_WAIT[x] or to any general purpose interrupt of the DSP? In this last case, what do you recommend me to conect to?
Thanks in advance,