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TDA2SG: system is reboot cause by GPU opengl use different shader

Part Number: TDA2SG

Hi,all experts:

     I use GPU render  surround  view  in vision  sdk3.7.

1):when I use the camera data, I  use " uniform samplerExternalOES sTexture " in my shader

2):when I use the picture  date, I use  " uniform sampler2D sTexture " in my shader.

I use free commond , my system  still has  240M  memory  unused.

then  I use the commond " dd if=/dev/zero of=/media/data/swapfile count=300 bs=1M "

but system is error and reboot when  I use the picture data. and system is no error and run ok when I use the camera  data.


My question is what's the different between the 1) and 2), and now how I can solve it ?

  • Hello,

    Can you please clarify a bit more on what you are trying to do here? You cannot just change the Shader and the image. You will need to change the Surround View code as well. What is the error that you get?



  • I want to ask the different between  the "uniform samplerExternalOES sTexture" and  " uniform sampler2D sTexture ",

    • Especially in memory for the system

  • Hello,

    samplerExternalOES will use EGLImage to load a texture and the memory allocated is in general allocated by platform and accessed by the GPU. In case of sampler2D, more operations are possible and it depends on how the application is passing the texture. If using glTexImage2D, it is possible that the driver allocates memory for the texture storage and for internal storage. But there are a lot of variables on how the application allocates and passes textures. It is generally not possible to just change the shader.

