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Linux/TDA3: Camera tests throwing failed assertion "status == SYSTEM_LINK_STATUS_SOK" error

Part Number: TDA3

Tool/software: Linux

Whenever I try to run any of the tda3xx_RVP demos, I get the following error: 

[IPU1-0] 20.146220 s: Assertion @ Line: 574 in /srv/jenkins/workspace/Vision_SDK/D3_Platform/Vision_SDK_3.02.00.00/sdk_manager/staging/vision_sdk/apps/src/rtos/video_sensor/src/vid_sensor.c: status == SYSTEM_LINK_STATUS_SOK : failed !!!

I'm not sure if I'm running a demo for the tda2 when I shouldn't be, or if there is something else going on.

This is the full terminal log:

I also tried to change the camera model, but got a different error: 

13.274629 s: Assertion @ Line: 548 in captureLink_drv.c: pInst->captureVipHandle != NULL : failed !!!

  • Hi Adam,

    You should set MAKECONFIG to tda3xx_rvp_bios_all.
    Can you share the Rules.make.

  • Which usecase are you trying to run?
    From the assertion, it looks like you are trying some VIP based usecase, could you please make sure that the Ov10635 sensor is connected?

  • Here is the Rules.make

    # file name: Rules.make

    # set up the build environment

    ifeq ($(vision_sdk_PATH), )

    # Application to build for
    # Supported Applications are:
    # sample_app
    # apps


    # Config to use
    # Selecting a config selects the system config and modules to include
    # in the build
    # Edit the detailed config in file
    # $(vision_sdk_PATH)/$(MAKEAPPNAME)/configs/$(MAKECONFIG)/
    # Supported "out of box" configs are listed below
    # - TDA2x Configs,
    # tda2xx_evm_bios_all
    # tda2xx_rvp_bios_all
    # tda2xx_evm_bios_opencx
    # tda2xx_evm_bios_radar
    # tda2xx_evm_linux_all
    # tda2xx_rvp_linux_all
    # tda2xx_evm_linux_infoadas
    # tda2xx_evm_linux_opencl
    # tda2xx_evm_linux_opencx
    # tda2xx_evm_robust_rvc
    # - TDA3x Configs,
    # tda3xx_alps_bios_radar
    # tda3xx_evm_bios_all
    # tda3xx_evm_bios_radar
    # tda3xx_rvp_bios_all
    # tda3xx_evm_bios_iss
    # tda3xx_rvp_bios_iss
    # - TDA2Ex Configs,
    # tda2ex_17x17_evm_linux_all
    # tda2ex_evm_bios_all
    # tda2ex_evm_linux_all
    # tda2ex_evm_linux_infoadas
    # tda2ex_evm_robust_rvc
    # - TDA2Px Configs,
    # tda2px_evm_bios_all
    # tda2px_evm_bios_radar
    # tda2px_evm_linux_all
    # tda2px_evm_linux_infoadas
    # tda2px_evm_bios_iss

    # Default build environment
    # Options: Windows_NT or Linux
    BUILD_OS ?= Linux
    ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)

    # Set BUILD_MACHINE to 32BIT as required, this is needed only
    # if A15_TARGET_OS is going to be Linux
    # Options: 32BIT or 64BIT

    vision_sdk_RELPATH = vision_sdk
    vision_sdk_PATH := $(abspath ..)

    # Application paths
    $(MAKEAPPNAME)_PATH := $(vision_sdk_PATH)/$(MAKEAPPNAME)

    include $($(MAKEAPPNAME)_PATH)/configs/
    include $($(MAKEAPPNAME)_PATH)/configs/
    include $($(MAKEAPPNAME)_PATH)/configs/
    include $(vision_sdk_PATH)/build/
    include $($(MAKEAPPNAME)_PATH)/configs/


    include $(MAKERULEDIR)/
    include $(MAKERULEDIR)/
    include $(MAKERULEDIR)/
    include $(MAKERULEDIR)/

    export MAKEAPPNAME
    export $(MAKEAPPNAME)_PATH
    export MAKECONFIG

    I think I had it set up to build for tda3xx_rvp_bios_all, but in addition to the build for tda3xx_rvp I also built an AppImage for tda3xx_evm on accident so maybe I got them confused and put the evm one on my SD card. Would running the AppImage generated from the wrong MAKECONFIG produce the error I keep seeing?
  • I'm trying to run Single Camera Usecases --> 1CH VIP capture + Display.
    The camera is connected, but its an ov10640 sensor not an ov10635.
  • Hi Adam,

    You can try the clean build in order to make sure that you are using the correct AppImage. But OV10640 will not work for OV10635 use case.
    Can you try with OV10635.

  • I rebuilt the AppImage but I'm still getting the error. Is the Single Camera use case for OV10635 only? If so which use case should I be running just to test if the OV10640 is working?

  • Hi Adam,

    Assuming the following
    A. Camera module is connected to RVP via FPD Link III (Refer VisionSDK_UserGuide_TDA3xx_RVP.pdf Section "ISS Multiple Channel (SRV) Use-case Hardware Setup") Note that casing for RVP is removed in this picture.
    B. Camera module is IMI (i.e. OV10640 with UB913 Serializer)

    Please check on the following
    0. Connect the camera module to one of connector on the edge (i.e. connector on the boundary)
    1. Ensure it's built as described in section "Building the application" of VisionSDK_UserGuide_TDA3xx_RVP.pdf
    2. Choose OV10640 as described in section "Run the demo" of VisionSDK_UserGuide_TDA3xx_RVP.pdf
    3. Choose "5: ISS Usecases, (TDA3x ONLY)""
    4. Choose "1: 1CH ISS capture + ISS ISP + ISS LDC+VTNF + Display"

    If you still see failure, connect the camera to
    0. Connect the camera to other edge connector and repeat above steps (1 to 4)

  • I tried the steps you provided and the TDA threw the following error when the camera was plugged in to both edge connectors:

    [IPU1-0] 18.715945 s: I2C0: Error timeout 1 ms!!!
    [IPU1-0] 18.716006 s: Assertion @ Line: 384 in /srv/jenkins/workspace/Vision_SDK/D3_Platform/Vision_SDK_3.02.00.00/sdk_manager/staging/vision_sdk/apps/src/rtos/iss/src/common/app_util_iss.c: 0 == status : failed !!!

  • It's quite strange. Can you check if the initial configuration is going through or the very first write is failing?
    also, would be possible to attach the camera module picture that you are using?

  • Hi,

    I haven't heard back from you, I'm assuming you were able to resolve your issue.
    If not, just post a reply below (or create a new thread if the thread has locked due to time-out).

  • The initial configuration goes through. It seems like the tda3 is timing out when it tries to connect to i2c devices during start up.

    Also here are some pictures of the camera module:

  • The Camera module seems okay, let me check with others.

  • It looks like you are running VIP capture instead of ISS capture. The camera you are is OV10640, the right sequence of commands should be:


    If that does not work, please attach the complete log including the menu options you are selecting.
  • Hi,

    I haven't heard back from you, I'm assuming you were able to resolve your issue.
    If not, just post a reply below (or create a new thread if the thread has locked due to time-out).
