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RTOS/AM5728: MMU setting of using DDR-area(0xE000_0000) for PCIE data area

Guru 10235 points
Part Number: AM5728

Tool/software: TI-RTOS

Hello, TI Experts,

Our customer sent us question about MMU seting for PCIE with PROCESSOR-SDK-RTOS-AM57X.

They tried to add PCIE function to EcMaster product based on

They want to add MMU setting for PCIE(EP) data area (base address:0xE000_0000) in *.cfg file (EcMaster.cfg).



Could you tell us recommended MMU setting of using DDR-area(0xE000_0000) for PCIE data area including un-cache setting.


We' like to attach EcMaster.cfg as their project *.cfg file.

We would also appreciate if you check the MMU setting "EcMaster.cfg" and tell us how to modify this cfg file.


Best regards,


  • Hi,

    Please refer to

    SYS/BIOS assigns the following defaults to MAIR0 ATTR0, ATTR1 and ATTR2:
    ATTR0 -> 0x44 (mark memory region as non-cacheable normal memory)
    ATTR1 -> 0x00 (mark memory region as strongly ordered and non-cacheable)
    ATTR2 -> 0xFF (mark memory region as normal memory, RW cacheable and
    RW allocate)

    If they want to DDR region starting from 0xE000_0000 as non-cacheable normal memory, they can use attribute index 0 for this. The cfg file needs an entry like:

    attrs0.type = Mmu.DescriptorType_BLOCK; // BLOCK descriptor
    attrs0.shareable = 2; // sharerable
    attrs0.attrIndx = 0; // non-cached, normal memory

    // Set the descriptor for each entry in the address range
    for (var i=0xE0000000; i < 0x???????; i = i + 0x00200000) {
    // Each 'BLOCK' descriptor entry spans a 2MB address range
    Mmu.setSecondLevelDescMeta(i, i, attrs0);

    Regards, Eric
  • Hi,

    Thank you very much for your kindness.

    I really appreciate your help.


    I found attr0 setting in EcMaster.cfg (,which I attached on the previous post) like below.

    >attrs0.attrIndx = 1;


    So, I have one question.



      Is it better to use new attrs such as attrs5 to prevent conflict of attrs0 setting like below?


    var attrs5 = new Mmu.DescriptorAttrs();


    attrs5.type = Mmu.DescriptorType_BLOCK; // BLOCK descriptor

    attrs5.shareable = 2; // sharerable

    attrs5.attrIndx = 5; // non-cached, normal memory

    Mmu.setMAIRMeta(5, 0x44);


    // Set the descriptor for each entry in the address range

    for (var i=0xE0000000; i < 0x???????; i = i + 0x00200000) {

    // Each 'BLOCK' descriptor entry spans a 2MB address range

    Mmu.setSecondLevelDescMeta(i, i, attrs5);



    Best regards,


  • Hi,

    Yes, you can use a new one for this as you coded.

    Regards, Eric
  • Hi,

    Thank you very much for your kindness.

    I really appreciate your help.

    I will send the answer to the customer.

    Best regards,