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AM5749: Cannot quantize Crop layer in TIDL

Part Number: AM5749


I'm trying to quantize a model with a CropLayer. According to the TIDL documentation it should be supported.

Here's my deploy.prototxt:

name: "graph_deploy"
input: "data"
input_shape {
dim: 1
dim: 3
dim: 32
dim: 32
layer {
name: "data/bias"
type: "Bias"
bottom: "data"
top: "data/bias"
param {
lr_mult: 0.0
decay_mult: 0.0
bias_param {
filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0.0
layer {
name: "conv1"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "data/bias"
top: "conv1"
param {
lr_mult: 1.0
decay_mult: 1.0
param {
lr_mult: 2.0
decay_mult: 0.0
convolution_param {
num_output: 3
bias_term: true
pad: 3
kernel_size: 7
group: 1
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "msra"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0.0
dilation: 1
layer {
name: "conv1/relu"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv1"
top: "conv1"
layer {
name: "crop_dummy_data"
type: "DummyData"
top: "crop_dummy_data"
dummy_data_param {
data_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0.0
shape {
dim: 1
dim: 3
dim: 10
dim: 10
layer {
name: "crop1"
type: "Crop"
bottom: "conv1"
bottom: "crop_dummy_data"
top: "crop1"
crop_param {
axis: 2
layer {
name: "flatten1"
type: "Flatten"
bottom: "crop1"
top: "flatten1"
flatten_param {
axis: 1
layer {
name: "fc10"
type: "InnerProduct"
bottom: "flatten1"
top: "fc10"
param {
lr_mult: 1.0
decay_mult: 1.0
param {
lr_mult: 2.0
decay_mult: 0.0
inner_product_param {
num_output: 10
weight_filler {
type: "msra"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
value: 0.0

And here's the result:

Caffe Network File : models/cj1718/deploy.prototxt
Caffe Model File : models/cj1718/snapshot.caffemodel
TIDL Network File : models/cj1718/tidl_net.bin
TIDL Model File : models/cj1718/tidl_params.bin
Name of the Network : graph_deploy
Num Inputs : 1
[libprotobuf FATAL /oe/bld/build-CORTEX_1/arago-tmp-external-linaro-toolchain/work/x86_64-nativesdk-arago-linux/nativesdk-tidl-import/] CHECK failed: (index) < (current_size_):
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'google::protobuf::FatalException'
what(): CHECK failed: (index) < (current_size_):

What am I doing wrong? Is using a DummyDataLayer as the second blob the supposed way to do this?

Thanks in advance,
