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[FAQ] What is DMSC and System Firmware, and how does my software depend on it?

I see DMSC and System Firmware mentioned in various SDK documentation.  What does this refer to, and do I need it?

  • The Device Management and Security Control (DMSC) subsystem is a processing entity on Jacinto 7 family of devices which performs centralized boot, power, security, and resource management functions, and System Firmware is the firmware which executes on the subsystem.  System Firmware implements the Texas Instruments System Control Interface (TISCI) which client software can use to request various services related to device power, resources, and security functions.

    The firmware is developed by TI and distributed in binary form through TI's Linux and RTOS Processor SDKs  Bootloaders and drivers in the SDK use the services provided by System Firmware as a foundational component for their operation.  Software developed using TI Processor SDKs will not require direct interaction with TISCI; rather it will rely on the services provided by the SDK.  Custom drivers and other operating systems will need to use the TISCI to access the services similarly.  See below for RTOS and Linux (kernel 4.19):

    For more details on the TISCI implementation and available services, please refer to