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Use of DSP_LDOO on TMS320C5533 device

From the data sheet, DSP_LDOO pin is not supported as a power supply to the CPU Core (CVDD), does it means the DSP_LDOO pin of the device is internally disconnected? If it is not, can I use it as a indication to switch on/off the external power supplies to CVDD and others circuit? Because I have to use WAKEUP pin as an input to leave the RTC only mode, I don't know how to turn on/off the external power when not using the DSP_LDOO pin.



  • HI,

    DSP_LDOO is not a GPIO so it's not allowed to do that. Recommend to use C5535 which supports DSP_LDOO.



  • Use it as an indicator does not means it must be a GPIO. If it has some voltage output during RTC WAKEUP, then I can use it to turn on CVDD DC/DC. I just want to know if the pin DSP_LDOO on C5533 is still valid and can source a few uA current, only it cannot be used as a power supply to CVDD.

    You recommend to use C5535 can be an option if C5535 is selling at same price as C5533.
