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How can get the distance and angle 6843_multi_2d_0.launch file

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MMWAVEICBOOST, IWR6843ISK

Im using IWR6843ISK with MMWAVEICBOOST, i download this packge to use the RADAR in ros then i launched this file

roslaunch ti_mmwave_rospkg 6843_multi_2d_0.launch,

this is the information of the topic

rostopic echo /ti_mmwave/radar_scan


seq: 688


secs: 1625651852

nsecs: 195743514

frame_id: "/ti_mmwave_0"

point_id: 5

x: 6.54830789566

y: 3.18597197533

z: 0.0

range: 0.0

velocity: 0.0

doppler_bin: 0

bearing: 0.0

intensity: 0.0

I want to know if this topic provide the distances and the angle to detect obstacles, if the response yes where is the information and finally why the range in the topic every time is zero?